Ban Apology (Headline)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Headline
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: Zux-_-
Your Roleplay Name: Riley Dockers
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:513510567

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User delayed gunpoint for a huge amount of time and did not interact when prompted to accept the zip ties

Why should this appeal be considered?: I went afk during a robbery for 30 sec to use the toilet after thinking i had selected yes to cuffs , staff checked logs and apparently i ticked no on the logs , when he cuffed me again , i do understand i took 10 seconds to respond , however he then got killed , so i said no on the second time as he had just died .

Me and (I believe) husky dealt with this in a f6 at around 18:00 I apologised about it explaining how I had accepted it and I apologise for the other player as for me I had accepted cuff attempt , he warned me for 3.4 and I played until 18:30 before I hoped off the server

This apology is to query if i can get unbanned today a(as my ban runs out at 9pm) or if not to potentially get unbanned at 18:00 as that is when the offence took place .

I understand if you will not do this , however i just believe as this is the last day i may be able to get unbanned early , or unbanned at the time of the offence i committed rather then when i got banned which was a few hours after , as i logged off the server at 18:30 but banned at 21:00

I'm not sure if i can make another unban request , but as this is an apology and the other was a disagree i believe i can? if i cannot i understand if this gets closed
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