Ban Apology (Hodgparjor)

Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Hodgparjor
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: draco
Your Roleplay Name: dragan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96309731

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - While under direct gunpoint by two individuals, user stalled with following their orders for prolonged amount of time.

Why should this appeal be considered?: 1- This apology is probably going to be rejected doenst matter if im saying the truth.
2- 3.4 - While under direct gunpoint by two individuals, user stalled with following their orders for prolonged amount of time, this is not truth, i gived up the items after i get gun pointed also i dropped instantly my items, i droped a assault rifle and the pistol i robbed to one of those players, and it was instantly, i also repeated surrender more than 1 time it was also 2 times because the "delay" is totally fake i did the surrender 2 times because they where not charging zips wich is not my fault, when you do surrender for a time when the time run over your hands back to normal.
3- The acussation is totally fake because i gived up 55K of dollars, 1 assault rifle, 1 pistol, all my inventory, i left the car instantly and i did not try to escape in the car wich i could have done it and ofcourse it would have broke a rule, i could have try to shot and i didnt, i could have walk away and i didnt and last thing is i could have disconnected wich i didnt too, so i dont underestand why this fake acussation saying i didnt cooperated, if i would have wanted to break a rule i could just not give up my stuff, whatever i explain the truth i asked for a record, if you watch a record of this situation you can see how i stopped driving the car i dropped my weapon and my stuff instantly, whatever this dispute is going to be rejected doenst matter if im saying the truth, i dont have any intention to break any rule, personally this in my opinion feels like a big injustice, being robbed, i gived up my stuff, i lost the items that i hard working to get, and even after lose my inventory i get banned for "not cooperate" how is that even possible?


Seeing the "Why should this appeal be considered?" section I would once again suggest you to create ban dispute, I have already provided you with that information and with link to the demo guide.

Indeed this apology is going to be rejected, as you made an apology post where at any point you do not acknowledge your rulebreak nor apologise for it.
