Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @HuskyDOG, extended by Locksmith
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks
Your Steam Name: mj
Your Roleplay Name: Tarone Idrin
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:791941820
Why were you punished?: Reason 3.4 - Loitered in the same area after their friend murdered an officer to kill the officer once he was revived, did so in front of 2 government employees. Failed to flee the scene// Extended by Locksmith for 2.5 3.4- User had zip tied an LEO at Front of Bazaar due to being warranted, after they had complied with them, shot and killed the LEO causing his life alert to go off for no real beneficial reason to do so.
Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello, firstly i would like to apologise to mehmet groth and the numerous officers and admins who had their time wasted. I commited my actions to be egotistical and fulfill the one thing i despised to never do and thats seek validation, I simply went out my way to kill officers and endanger others, waste peoples time alongside ruin peoples experiences for the sake of being cool, i simply wanted to stroke my ego, take out my internal emotional imbalance throughout the week out on random people via ruining other peoples experiences for my short lived dopamine.
As I look back yes it was idiotic and im happy i conformed and admited my mistakes no one is obliged to help me but in al honesty i was just trying to account for my lack of fun at the time and me being upset Out of character due to my own social and personal life so i can gain validation and rep from people online and in all honesty it was totally a loserish move from me like it was just uncalled for and i done it for the point of doing it, was it worth it? No not at all it gave me no advantage besides stroking myself for 20 seconds and then resuming to my mundane roleplay. I was deffinetly being a dick looking back at it however when i ziptied the officer i didnt know what to do when i couldve just killed the officer on sight or ziptied and left however this wouldve been stopped if i just didnt get involved for the first place as it was really a horendously idiotic decision in which i done something for no reason but i felt i would rather go and fight easy pvp against defenceless and much less advanced and experienced players compared to me. It was just a way for me to circlejerk myself to put it bluntly there was just no excuse and i was being a dick for the fun of it. I didnt even find it fun it felt rather lustful to be honest.
Additional Information: Regarding the death of mehmet groth i apologise for actively targeting you and trying to use the power dynamic of you being ziptied and me having the ability to do whatever to make myself feel better as it just wasnt worth it at all and was rather cringey flexing the obvious shift of power between me and you in that moment and making you virtually beg for your life, I will be clear i lacked all initiative and just didnt pay attention as my mind went blank in that moment however sorry for the misuse of admin time and actively disrputing peoples time and making someone wait 5m just for them to die again, I was being a dickhead to be honest and it was totally out of order to use my power balance and advantage over you like that to stroke my ego and feel better to myself. I can be over joyous and be way to invested into pvp and this is something to admit i will be very pasionate about killing people and will try to do it no matter what just to feel better about myself and this is not a lie or joke i do try and just kill people and find pvp, is it questionable at times for sure, is it idiotic definetly but i know i can get over the line and play this more like a realistic COD or even deathmatch, do i try to? Not at all but i have finally read all the rules including 3.4 in which i must try my hardest to avoid arest and i must only kill when necesary i must also not loiter or recklessly engage in pvp. I will also begin taking 3.4 and all combat related much more seriously by actively refreshing my memory via the guides and rules and not just hhave a minor interpertation of surender when gunpointed. I am indeed 100% in the wrong and i take all acountability and i promise you will not see me anytime soon in these appeals
If you admins have any chance for me in your hearts please consider this and judge with your own conscious however im not entitled to be unbanned and im sorry for all the people who i fucked over prior and post ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @HuskyDOG, extended by Locksmith
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks
Your Steam Name: mj
Your Roleplay Name: Tarone Idrin
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:791941820
Why were you punished?: Reason 3.4 - Loitered in the same area after their friend murdered an officer to kill the officer once he was revived, did so in front of 2 government employees. Failed to flee the scene// Extended by Locksmith for 2.5 3.4- User had zip tied an LEO at Front of Bazaar due to being warranted, after they had complied with them, shot and killed the LEO causing his life alert to go off for no real beneficial reason to do so.
Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello, firstly i would like to apologise to mehmet groth and the numerous officers and admins who had their time wasted. I commited my actions to be egotistical and fulfill the one thing i despised to never do and thats seek validation, I simply went out my way to kill officers and endanger others, waste peoples time alongside ruin peoples experiences for the sake of being cool, i simply wanted to stroke my ego, take out my internal emotional imbalance throughout the week out on random people via ruining other peoples experiences for my short lived dopamine.
As I look back yes it was idiotic and im happy i conformed and admited my mistakes no one is obliged to help me but in al honesty i was just trying to account for my lack of fun at the time and me being upset Out of character due to my own social and personal life so i can gain validation and rep from people online and in all honesty it was totally a loserish move from me like it was just uncalled for and i done it for the point of doing it, was it worth it? No not at all it gave me no advantage besides stroking myself for 20 seconds and then resuming to my mundane roleplay. I was deffinetly being a dick looking back at it however when i ziptied the officer i didnt know what to do when i couldve just killed the officer on sight or ziptied and left however this wouldve been stopped if i just didnt get involved for the first place as it was really a horendously idiotic decision in which i done something for no reason but i felt i would rather go and fight easy pvp against defenceless and much less advanced and experienced players compared to me. It was just a way for me to circlejerk myself to put it bluntly there was just no excuse and i was being a dick for the fun of it. I didnt even find it fun it felt rather lustful to be honest.
Additional Information: Regarding the death of mehmet groth i apologise for actively targeting you and trying to use the power dynamic of you being ziptied and me having the ability to do whatever to make myself feel better as it just wasnt worth it at all and was rather cringey flexing the obvious shift of power between me and you in that moment and making you virtually beg for your life, I will be clear i lacked all initiative and just didnt pay attention as my mind went blank in that moment however sorry for the misuse of admin time and actively disrputing peoples time and making someone wait 5m just for them to die again, I was being a dickhead to be honest and it was totally out of order to use my power balance and advantage over you like that to stroke my ego and feel better to myself. I can be over joyous and be way to invested into pvp and this is something to admit i will be very pasionate about killing people and will try to do it no matter what just to feel better about myself and this is not a lie or joke i do try and just kill people and find pvp, is it questionable at times for sure, is it idiotic definetly but i know i can get over the line and play this more like a realistic COD or even deathmatch, do i try to? Not at all but i have finally read all the rules including 3.4 in which i must try my hardest to avoid arest and i must only kill when necesary i must also not loiter or recklessly engage in pvp. I will also begin taking 3.4 and all combat related much more seriously by actively refreshing my memory via the guides and rules and not just hhave a minor interpertation of surender when gunpointed. I am indeed 100% in the wrong and i take all acountability and i promise you will not see me anytime soon in these appeals
If you admins have any chance for me in your hearts please consider this and judge with your own conscious however im not entitled to be unbanned and im sorry for all the people who i fucked over prior and post ban
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