Ban Apology (Jimmy)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Jimmy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: Dick Cheney
Your Roleplay Name: Conner Gehppinger
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95557436

Why were you punished?: .4 3.18 3.20 Player mingegrabbed an M14 in an active shootout and stored it in their car before disconnecting. // Banned for enforcer Jimmy

Why should this appeal be considered?: This is the 2nd time i post this because I accidentally put Jack instead of @Jimmy //

Yesterday when i was riding around in my mini i saw the m14 lying on the ground next to an unattended body, when i took the m14 from the ground i didnt hear any shots so i took it. I then genuinely had to go play another game with my friends since they didnt wanna play perp so i tossed it in the trunk for the sake of not getting arrested when i logged back in by having it on my back, and logged off. My friends then told me I wasnt allowed to do that, but at that point I was off the server and on another game, so I didnt think much of it, I didnt think i could do anything about it considering I had left the server. Looking back at this, this was the wrong assumption, and I completely understand what I did was wrong and I wont make that mistake from now on, guaranteed. I am sorry.

Additional Information: I usually play with experienced friends this time. This time I was on my own, so I messed up, not excusing myself just clarifying that im not intentionally trying to break the rules. This is my first ban on record and I just wanted to put this apology up because I completely understand that I broke the afforementioned rules and that I was in the wrong, I just wanted to apologise to clear up that it really wasnt intentional.
Hi there, your first apology is still open and is fine as-is, please wait for a response there.
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