Ban Apology (@joeythings @monk)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @JoeyThings @monk
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Helga-Mae
Your Roleplay Name: Helga-Mae Jones
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:860476558

Why were you punished?: 3.4 I had shot a org member infront of 2 police officers

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hey guys, I was banned for 3.4,
2 after shooting my org member in a situation I was viewing as something that wasnt RP when after talking to my org members friends and people who was there.

I was clearly wrong for shooting him, the reason I believed it was not a valid RP moment as the police did not even arrest me for it, maybe they expected me to be banned there and then so didnt waste there time,

I'd like to explain a little to what led me to just pull out a gun and shoot someone who is actually a friend and it was pretty stupid of me to do so

Firstly a situation had happened in my shop where as cops came due to someone acting up, who was not involved in our shop, in that process police failed to secure the area and my gun was minged by someone who walked into my shop and they ran, at that point I was annoyed, but this is where I made a mistake.

Iv actually reviewed my own demo on this and I can only say it's pretty embarrassing...

I was basically crying about my gun being minged to police, at the same time my buddy is engaged in screaming at an ally violently in a way I presumed to be outside of RP and actually OOC (I was wrong)

I got way to frustrated with the situation of people screaming like that and trying to speak to police at the same time, asking everyone to stop screaming was not helping me, as is known I dont speak, so being heard is a little difficult sometimes especially in the heat of the moment, police body blocked the door multi times and also the people trying to minge guns too I was pretty irritated

I shot johnny out of absolute frustration when if I did not like the scenario or RP
There was a back door I could easily of used... being so ignorant of that I carried on crying about my minged gun until finally shot johnny to end the screaming, I had asked for police to remove him until he calms down but as I stated already none of them can really be expected to keep eyes on chat at all times in a situation like that so i understand why i was not heard

I wasnt given any chance to defend my actions was just told I'd be banned which i honestly dont dispute

I broke 3.4 was under an agreement with joey that I'd get a month ban

I'm not going to sit here and say the person who banned me was wrong, i broke a rule I had promised not to break again under an agreement and I had done my upmost to avoid breaking it, since i was last banned iv become far more involved in other aspects of perp like raiding, basing, I was even noted on the community spotlight for my shop which was open almost 24/7

During the past few days I'd experienced multi alt accounts coming and RDM me for 4 days straight I was getting repeat RDM this is also noted in reports I'd made and players who was banned, I'm not one of these people i dont rdm, what I did was an absolute act of stupidity

If it's at all possible you guys can lower my ban to 2 weeks or even consider it, if be incredibly grateful, I miss my friends already and I will take the time away from perp to realise that I cant do something out of frustration or anger and expect it to be okay because " I assume is not RP" is not a valid excuse for my actions

I know I was under an agreement with Joey
But I hope that it can atleast be reviewed with the understanding I know exactly what I did wrong, and the fact that my excuse is not a valid reason to do what I done

Again I'd like to apologise to staff who had to deal with it
And to joey for breaking an agreement I'd made with him in good faith

Thanks for reading - helga

Additional Information: I'm an idiot sandwich
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You failed to honor a deal with JoeyThings, wait half your ban length before making another apology.
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