Ban Apology (Joeythings)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @JoeyThings
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Vaporized
Your Roleplay Name: Thomas Heisenburg
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59726136

Why were you punished?: 3.2

Why should this appeal be considered?: I had just started basing with a friend that I met in game a little while back and we had gotten raided and were using Discord to talk to each other. We didn't know Discord was against 3.2 since it was everyone else uses it, literally. We just used Discord for about 30 minutes of playtime. My friend and I really didn't know it was against the rules. I don't know why a 3 day ban was necessary. It seems kind of excessive for 30 minutes. We're really sorry about using it and really didn't know Discord was against 3.2. We just thought it meant like using OOC information for in character.

Edit: I just wanted to also mention that I had told the staff member that we had been doing it for "1 day" but I meant just this day today, not 1 day of play time. We just did it for maybe 30 minutes.

Additional Information: We play on this server a lot and we respect and follow the rules all the time. We report rule breakers and even play fun with many of the players. This is my second offense ever. My first offense was a warn for something minor. I don't ever break the rules or at least try not to. We respect the server a ton and we are seriously sorry for this.

I appreciate that the punishment may feel harsh, however, rules breaks are dealt with seriously in order to preserve gameplay for others. A 3 day ban for 3.2 is very generous.

From talking to you both I do believe you understand what you have done wrong and will not break the rule again.

I would also recommend reading through the rules before you join so that you are clear on these.

Reviewed with @JoeyThings
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