Ban Apology (JoeyThings)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @JoeyThings
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: CoolGuy95
Your Roleplay Name: Dennis Stevens
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:460175826

Why were you punished?: 3.2 - User used 3rd party apps to talk to STEAM_0:0:545263350, STEAM_0:0:784845056 and STEAM_0:0:160078170 during multiple instances.

Why should this appeal be considered?: To start this is my second day on this server and my second day on Garry's Mod as a whole. I was recommended this server by a friend of mines and I've been playing this server for hours on end ever since. I just joined an organization getting a real start in this server and I was just starting to really find my place inside of this server. I don't want all of that ended because of my ignorance of the game rules. When I joined this server I'd assume my friend who has more experience on this server would let me know what were doing is against the rules and if I was informed I would never have broken that rule in the first place. This is nobody's thought but my own though for not thoroughly going through the rules like I should have and I understand why I have been punished for that but if I am given a second chance I will make sure never to re-offend and try my best to not break any of the other rules. I apologize for my ignorance of that rule, I am not only new to this server I am new to Garry's Mod, I would hate for my time on this server to just be thrown away because of this one lapse of judgment I will never make again, I hope you are willing to give me a second chance if not I understand and I accept that and when I come back I will try my hardest not to break any other rule again.
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