Ban Apology (maia)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Maia
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Days

Your Steam Name: mohamed pablo
Your Roleplay Name: mohamed pablo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:556778222

Why were you punished?: for shooting a leo /throwing a Molotov at someone mic spamming

Why should this appeal be considered?: the leo shooting was stupid ill be real and im sorry for that but the molotov she was sat there on top of a sign sat on an invisible chair with her loud ass mic singing the words "shimmy shimmy shay shimy a shimmya drans swollallalala " over and over aging i asked her to stop a bunch of times and she was asking people to pay her to stop singing her mic was really loud and it was pissing everyone off i didnt intend to burn her props but to stop her from singing as it was killing my ears

Additional Information: im sorry for shooting the leo i genuinely thought i had kos on him im please unban me ive got nothing else to play every other game is dead and all the other gmod servers are wank i have also just grinded to getting an audi r8 plus it took me agers to get it and i haven't been able to use it and want to drive it
Is this a dispute or an apology?

What made you think you had kos on him?
I thought i has kos because i had tried to aid and abet and assault him by knocking him down so my mate could hop in my car and its an apology the molly thing i can see why that was stupid beacuse it was going to be on her props not just her
Why would you try to knock him out if you knew you had no reason to help your friend (who was being arrested for a small charge)
not to knock him out but just knock him down for a sec and the charge on my friend wasnt small he gun pointed the mayor
not to knock him out but just knock him down for a sec
you realize this makes no sense right?

the charge on my friend wasnt small he gun pointed the mayor

9.3 Threat of Physical Harm​

Any person who causes another person to be in fear of physical assault as defined under article 9.1 by verbal, physical, emotional or other forms of intimidation acts unlawfully.

Felony - liable to 3 years maximum imprisonment and $2,500 maximum fine.

This is small
you realize this makes no sense right?

9.3 Threat of Physical Harm​

Any person who causes another person to be in fear of physical assault as defined under article 9.1 by verbal, physical, emotional or other forms of intimidation acts unlawfully.

Felony - liable to 3 years maximum imprisonment and $2,500 maximum fine.

This is small
i thought it was more tbf because hs a government employee and he had an illegal firearm

As it is pretty clear from this small discussion you don't even realize what you did wrong and how it was against the rules.

I suggest you use this time to polish your knowledge on the rules of the server, unbanning you right now would most likely just result in you getting banned for longer for the exact same thing.
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