Ban Apology (Megasaw)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Megasaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: Olizen
Your Roleplay Name: Oli Zen
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:431927396

Why were you punished?: rule 3.4 not compliying at gun point

Why should this appeal be considered?: I guess ill start by explaining the situation, I had just logged on to the server and I saw my chop shop mission was available, i started the mission and stole the car, was hiding the car in the delivery warehouse. A police man saw me and drove up and got out the car, i started to drive away and accidentally ran the guy over, not why i got banned but thought id include that anyway. Soon i was being chased by like 6 police cars, managed to evade them and make it to the drop off location which was the suburbs monorail. I could hear the cop cars so i decided to hide behind the monorail station by the rocks. I saw one police guy walk past me so i tried to crouch away the other direction and there was another cop. I got banned for not complying under gun point which is partly true, I wasn't running away from the officers or anything i was just running in circles in front of them which I guess does break the rules but i was genuinely just having a bit of fun and knew i was going to get arrested, I wasn't resisting arrest. I then got arrested as expected and fully complied from here, got driven to PD and put in jail for 10 mins. Went to go lay on my bed to wait out the jail time and came back to a ban. I know what I did may be breaking the rules but it was not intentional fail RP I was just having a bit of fun and knew i was going to get arrested, i wasnt resisting. I really enjoy this server and I know its only a short ban but I would like to be unbanned so i can continue to play ASAP. In future I will not be doing any of this funny business under gun point as regardless of whether the ban gets lifted or not I now understand that there are consequences to the actions I took and I will be doing everything possible in future to not get banned again as it sucks. I do apologise to the PD and everyone else involved for not being serious during that situation and I really hope you consider my appeal.
