Ban Apology (@Megasaw)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @@Megasaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Ethém
Your Roleplay Name: Ethem Yamanashi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:523822879

Why were you punished?: 6.2 - User knowingly abused his GMOD conflicting content to shoot someone through a surface that is supposed to be opaque. The user as a cop abused this by killing a suspect through a door that they could see through.

Why should this appeal be considered?: First, hello everyone! This ban is something strange and rare. I got banned because my content files got mixed, and I did not contact the moderators about this earlier because I did not see the exploit yet other than the doors being strange. When the situation happened that let me to my ban, we fixed it via voice chat in the discord. They saw this was because of another server I played with.

But let's forget about that. First off, I want to say the ban description is not right.

1: Its showing me a like cheater; they said *User knowingly abused his GMOD conflicting content to shoot someone through a surface that is not supposed to be opaque.

We talked with multiple moderators in the voice chat with my screen share on; we looked at gmod files first. They were okay, so we looked at the contents; we fixed the issue, and it was clear this was unintentionally happened. I know I am in the wrong for not seeing the big red text on the door, but because there was a shoutout at the time, I did not see that because I was focused on killing the people. I kindly ask the moderators to change this description to something more harsh, at least something that does not show me bad, like the user unintentionally abused his content files, etc.

Second of all, *the user, as a cop, abused this by killing a suspect through a door that they could see through.*

Same thing that I wrote in the previous message: I am really sorry about the person I killed; I even talked to him via Discord and sent my apologies. He actually didn't care. Said it was all good.

I wanted to apologize for killing the person without knowing I was abusing this. @Mage

I did not know the door was not there, so my first instinct was to shoot you. I'm totally sorry for this, and if there's anything I can do to make this up, I am happily willing to do that.

This is all. I wrote my requests if possible. Im wishing a good day to all of you reading this.

Next time you have conflicting textures, don't use them to your advantage, even through negligence. If this happens again, open a help ticket in the game, on the forums or Discord.