Ban Apology (monk)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @monk
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: Seshwan
Your Roleplay Name: Seshwan Haze
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:134997210

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User failed to comply under gunpoint for a prolonged period.

Why should this appeal be considered?: This appeal should be considered because with all honesty it was confusion from my tired head, at the time of the event it was around 2:00am I was about to head off just had to wrap up my day.

Until I met with a hot head cop who told me I had a fire-arm on my back and that's his reasoning on why I'm being gun-pointed even though before a crazy road crew driver said I had a pistol, he disregarded that and spun some lie about a gun on my back.

So to me at the moment I was just being set up (I didn't have a visible fire-arm) so I hopped out of my car and said cuff me get ya sup, in my head at the time this was complying.
I discussed this event with many people, including some staff, and realised that my wrongdoing was not putting my hands up to the hot head cop who clearly didn't want to listen to me.

As discussed with people through forums and friends the cop's POV would see me as an active threat, at the time I didn't think I was a threat to him, as he said he was gun-pointing me for a fire-arm on my back and I demonstrated I had no fire-arm on my back and cuffing and searching with a sup extends the rp and is the same result as the hands up at the time. (My opinion on this changed when I considered the cop's perspective of a threat, a threat needs to put their hands up, but because i wasn't thinking i was a threat my complying wasn't complying)

My POV was complying in a calm sense, I'm not a threat.
The cop's POV was disarming a person, they are a threat.

So my error was not considering the cop's perspective, and just putting my hands up.
I was in my own world, very much like the officer who didn't see my calmer perspective.

This is why I'm making an apology for any inconvenience I caused through the misunderstanding of 3.4 - in additional information

Additional Information: The only thing that helped me realise ways in my error was getting an opportunity to openly discuss what you can do in certain situations, like this and others, this is why I also suggest a channel or a thread in the community where you can openly discuss and share experiences to see what was possible, what you could have done differently, and more or less discuss what people did wrong etc.

On a personal note, that cop was way too fast with his judgement calls and mis-visualised a gun on my back, he also broke character twice on me, I don't think RP was that guy's intention more or less just gunpoint and find out, but this is IA related info.

I clearly understand my error was NOT putting my HANDS up when I was told to, because I didn't consider the cop's perspective my opinion on complying is just an opinion i should of put my hands up. - To set the record. Yes i do feel as if some change is needed, with this rule and a few others but this again is just opinion, but I totally understand where i was in the wrong in this current moment after some reflection, communication and understanding of 3.4.
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