Ban Apology (moon)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Moonyx
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: box
Your Roleplay Name: Austive gene
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:167938365

Why were you punished?: i shot someone through a door i couldnt see and i understand that 100 percent

Why should this appeal be considered?: i dont want it to be appealed completely its just that when i was getting banned i was told it would be a 2 day ban and then i check it and now its a month and im just so confused bc if i had been told it would be a month i wouldnt be as upset but i was expecting to be able to get back on

Additional Information: i know what i did was wrong and i have the clip and will not glitch shoot through doors but please understand that ive played gmod for awhile and was just used to texture and objects not loading in and just going with it i never intentionally wanted to use a glitch to gain the upper hand on anyone i love this server and hope to play on it for a long time
Hello, I am the one who extended your ban. There is not a chance that you genuinely believed that door was meant to be invisible, because why on earth would a door be invisible? You claim you'd never intentionally abuse a glitch to gain the upper hand, but that is exactly what you did. You shot someone through an invisible door, then called out to your friends to lockpick it because of the gun that was behind it. To me, that made it look like you knew your friends couldn't see through the door, and still used it too shoot the guy.

I appreciate that you are apologising, and I am glad you enjoy our server, but I am not convinced that using the invisible door that way was unintentional. I'm absolutely open to you appealing the ban and having it reduced, but I do not believe 2 days was sufficient for someone who used the ability to look through a solid object to their advantage in a raid.
well you pretty much get my whole point and im fine with having a lengthy ban but a month is a hot minute but one point i tried to make that i think you didnt see or misinterpreted was that i didnt intentionally use the glitches to get the upper hand or advantage not being that i didnt do it and use it but what i meant was as ive played gmod for awhile non textures errors and other things were a common occurrence not that i didnt do it and use it but that i didnt intentionally use it to cheat someone bc i thought it was like that for them too and its not something that even crossed my mind or i woudnt have even sent the admin that clip because who sends and admin proof of someone they think didnt follow the rules while they are rule breaking lol but i also know i shouldve read the rules so i understand my ban and thanks for taking a look
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