Ban Apology (Rogue)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @rogue
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Year

Your Steam Name: snortthisperc
Your Roleplay Name: Tyler Easty
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143634167

Why were you punished?: MRDM?

Why should this appeal be considered?: I choose an apology because it is my own responsibility to review the rules, but I was under the understanding that if police are attempting to arrest you and you're faced with 7+ years you can shoot them with the intentions to stand-off or escape.
MRDM confuses me mainly because on my clip I am shown to only kill 1 officer and no others, I'm not sure if there was anyone killed in crossfire but I highly doubt it since we were on a rooftop.

Additional Information: Thanks for taking the time to read this, depending on where this begins to lean towards I will ensure to read up on the rules better.
It seems like you called 911 and was baiting cops to shoot them from the City Garage? I'll ask rogue regarding this though
It seems like you called 911 and was baiting cops to shoot them from the City Garage? I'll ask rogue regarding this though
Yes & no, though my intentions were not to be caught on top of the roof holding a weapon. My 911 call was about a real car theft I was witnessing from the Monorail.1722979275189.png
Yes & no, though my intentions were not to be caught on top of the roof holding a weapon. My 911 call was about a real car theft I was witnessing from the Monorail.View attachment 23088

Now, there was a guy I've been playing with for the last day or so that killed like 6-7 different people and got banned at the same time as me for the same reason. but I was still trying to abide by the RP even if he wasn't.

I still don't understand why you were shooting at officers then? None of the crimes I can see is 7+ years nor were they coming to you, were they?
You were not shooting with your friend on top of the city garage, no?
My friend went buckwild and was shooting civs who had nothing to do with it, I was only trying to avoid being arrested and was only shooting cops who were shooting me.

Would you like to provide a video or if you don't have a video, provide your demo.
Can you link the guide that tells me how to do this? I tried myself and it says I have no video player that runs that type of file
My friend went buckwild and was shooting civs who had nothing to do with it, I was only trying to avoid being arrested and was only shooting cops who were shooting me.

Can you link the guide that tells me how to do this? I tried myself and it says I have no video player that runs that type of file This page tells you how to find and view demos,
in your case, it will be the most recent one1
If this doesn't show the full scene let me know because at some point during all of this there was a demo restart

I could see your friend was also blocking off the city garage, not you. You also didn't shoot any civilians.
You will be unbanned, your friend will remain banned.
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