Ban Apology (SamSN)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: SamSN
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Ricardo Quaresma
Your Roleplay Name: James Magiure
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:455823014

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.18, 3.26 - Player removed attachments from his weapon mid-shootout as he was out of ammo and wanted to preserve them, after the shootout proceeded to shoot officers when he was uncuffed to allow for the completion of a /me command.

Why should this appeal be considered?: When I shot the police down nobody had me under gunpoint, there were no /me's done to prevent me from not shooting them, I was only told to /me in the LOOC, since I thought no RP was being done and I was released of cuffs, I took my chance to attempt and slip away from the situation. I didn't know what I had done was a rulebreak and I have understood my mistake, could I have the lenght of my ban shortened by atleast a little bit?
You claim there was no /me's done to prevent you from shooting them, are you trying to dispute the ban or acknowledge and apologise for your actions?
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: SamSN
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Ricardo Quaresma
Your Roleplay Name: James Magiure
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:455823014

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.18, 3.26 - Player removed attachments from his weapon mid-shootout as he was out of ammo and wanted to preserve them, after the shootout proceeded to shoot officers when he was uncuffed to allow for the completion of a /me command.

Why should this appeal be considered?: When I shot the police down nobody had me under gunpoint, there were no /me's done to prevent me from not shooting them, I was only told to /me in the LOOC, since I thought no RP was being done and I was released of cuffs, I took my chance to attempt and slip away from the situation. I didn't know what I had done was a rulebreak and I have understood my mistake, could I have the lenght of my ban shortened by atleast a little bit?
Myself and koji reported you. Not only did you break the rules by removing the attachments mid raid, You decided to shoot the whole police force for a charge we didn't even know yet. We wasn't even aware that you killed anyone at that moment in time. After investigating the situation with koji, we found out that you took the attachments from the m4a1. After doing a /me "puts attachments back onto the gun" I uncuffed you to do so. This is a game limitation meaning that I had to uncuf you to allow you to do this. After putting the attachments back on you should of instantly put your gun back away to be cuffed. Instead you turned around and shot me in the chest. Killing me and killing yourself in the progress. It was a very stupid thing to seeing as there was multiple gov employees on site watching you.
Seeing as your last 7 bans alone have all been for 3.4 I am surprised you only got 1 week lol.
tbh I 100% back up Jamie for this one, after reviewing the clip I made of it I can see a /me was done, Jamie telling you in LOOC that a /me was being done and me verbally trying to tell you that you should only use this time out of cuffs to put on attachments. We pretty much did everything in our power to prevent you from making a dumb decision however you still proceeded to try and gun 3 cops down (good shooting regardless btw)

I still have the clip incase it is needed.
gunpoint or not, We used /me. if you literally can't roleplay why should you be unbanned? The /me was there for a reason. Maybe you should use this time while you are banned and read the rules. Maybe watch some videos how to roleplay. Because /me and /desc are a thing on the server and should not be ignored. We had you on the fire escape when it was clearly in the chat. Seeing as you have 15 bans on record I would of thought you would at least know what do to in /me It's not like you are a new new player. Personally if I was staff and I was banning you the length would be so much longer since you wouldn't comply with roleplay as this is a roleplay server
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You were given a /me and then also reminded in LOOC that a /me was done and you decided to shoot him anyway.

You're experienced enough with this server to know both that you're not allowed to detach or store items in a raid and that you cannot abuse someone uncuffing you to allow you to complete the actions in a /me as a chance to shoot them.

Reviewed with @A1L
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