Ban Apology (SamSN)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: SamSN
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: Takyon
Your Roleplay Name: Raphael Sanders
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:241554366

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: IP garbing/threatening

Why should this appeal be considered?: I should be unbanned/shorten ban ,because Its not confirm by nobody that i have stolen this kids ip .It was ment to scare them because ,the kid in particular is GainAxe or known as GainAxeDK .Which made me thing that he is from Denmark {His own name }and I was right ,but the fact that a person is easily manipulated when scared ,made him ,,cry,, .And also nobody can confirm that I have the ability to DDOS someone .So in the future i will manage to not share the victims personal address ,personal information ,which may resolve in bigger punishment .I also would like to make an apology to STEAM_0:0:226391237 which was the "the victim" an that I scared so much .I want to play back on perp because I made a lot friends on there .And also the community which was fun in first place but now it will be fun for me not them .My six months ban is to big for a joke since I've been perma banned on different servers for something more serious ,and also I've been banned for a day or a week for the same thing that I did on .I apologies to the community and the fact that I knew about the manipulation ,just thing about this if someone with bad intensions did the same thing to GaniAxeDK{STEAM_0:0:226391237} it would result in very bad thing ,but I wanted to scare them because they did something in game that i took on personal level which is very childish of me and for my age .So i want to go back on perp and i am going to make a personal apology to GainAxeDK{STEAM_0:0:226391237} so we can be good with each other but for one of them it will be different ,I will do anything to make him avoid me in game of course I wont say names I just hope that they know what am I talking about because they acted like me in game which if the person that did this in first place didn't mug me this wouldn't happen at all .So I am gonna make sure that he will never interact with me and fear me {in game - mugging if needed ,Raid if needed } ,no targeting just if we are rivals {in game group}.So this is my apology. No such thing will happen again.

You have, on multiple occasions, implied you were going to DDoS community members, and that you have their IPs. I am fairly certain @Dank has also told you to stop doing that shit before. This apology is a bit of a joke, you're complaining about the ban length despite literally threatening to DDoS a community member because we can't prove you actually have his IP or the ability to DDoS him? No way, dude.
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