Ban Apology (SamSN)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: SamSN
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: alus
Your Roleplay Name: alus capon
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:592411152

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.1, 2.5, 3.5 - Player killed another user because he failed to tell them where their friend who was no longer online was. Immediately after killing them also shot another player who was idly crafting and uninvolved in the conversation. Additionally was only looking for their friend so that he could kill them in revenge for the events of a previous life. User also had an extremely poor attitude in the following admin sit and lied about the events surrounding their deaths to protect himself from punishment.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello i dont think the ban was wrong but i think its too long because even if it was rdm the people that rdm'ed me were friends of the people that i rdm'ed but those guys didnt even get a warning because the admin said that i am disrespectful to him and thats the reason why hes not cheking the logs or doing anything about it even if they rdm'ed me twice even when i had nlr so thats why i came back and killed the guys that were friends of the people that rdm'ed me. I know it sounds kind of like a sob story but its a bit unfair when the people that rdm you go without even a warning but when you rdm ther friends you get banned so i think the ban should be reduced a bit.

Additional Information: I was dsirespectful to the admin since he didnt even bother looking in logs to the people that rdm'ed me and got no punishment
If you think the ban length is too long, make a staff complaint, you should also try considering apologising for your actions instead of justifying them as this is an apology

Your logic appears to be rather flawed.

You still seem to be insistent that the two players that you killed should be issued some form of punishment, however as I said in the initial report, they did nothing to you. The two players have never ever killed you since you first joined the server, there is no reason that either of them would be issued punishment for your interactions with them.

You also seem to attempt to justify your actions as a result of my refusal to help you when that is simply incorrect. You never made any report, I hadn't spoken to you until they made a report against you for killing them, you can't justify killing them as the result of a report that hadn't happened yet.

As I said in the report prior to banning you, you're welcome to make a staff complaint if you disagree with my actions, you're also perfectly welcome to make an action request or otherwise make a report against the original player when you're ready to drop the disgraceful attitude you had towards me yesterday.
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