Ban Dispute (scoot)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scoot
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: the stump man
Your Roleplay Name: russell ross
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:569896067

Why were you punished?: 2.5 3.4

Why should this appeal be considered?: i have the clips which you can watch over but the story is a guy got ran over i was going to save his gun for him some guy stole it and ran off and wouldnt give it back so eventually after warning him i killed him then brought the gun back to the guy the cops got into a altercation with the guy i gave the gun back to and killed him. i picked up the gun and said i was letting him borrow it and had it out, the cops told me to put my hands up i ran around a corner into a store and the cop chased me and i killed him it was all in rp.

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this is my first time appealing so idk how this really works
Disputing a ban means you are basically appealing it.

Apologizing, in hopes for a ban removal/reduction, means you are apologizing for your actions and you understand what you did wrong.
yes i understand what i did wrong and would like a shorter ban or removal please i play the server alot and 2 months sounds like alot and in the clip i was rping correctly other than what i did wrong.
yes i understand what i did wrong and would like a shorter ban or removal please i play the server alot and 2 months sounds like alot and in the clip i was rping correctly other than what i did wrong.
If you feel like the punishment was too much, then you need to file a Staff Complaint. Other than that, you need to wait for the Admin who banned you to check your apology.
sorry lol im new to this whole thing im going to dispute only because i was at "gun point" but i had picked up the gun and had it in my hands right as he started to aim at me and for 3.4 i was putting my life at risk but it was for grabbing my friends gun and for a reason then i ran away and had to kill the officer so i didnt get arrested so there was a reason for killing him it wasnt rdm.

We feel as though your ban for 2.5 and 3.4 was valid. For the 2.5 portion, the largest crime you could reasonably have been arrested for at the time when you were being chased by the officer was for tampering with the gun, not something that you should be shooting PD over. As for the 3.4, you both should not have been remaining in Bazaar after committing a murder, and you should not have picked up a gun directly in front of a officer who just shot someone for brandishing that same gun directly in front of you.

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