Ban Apology (scoot)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scoot
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: ✡Sniper Hero✡ISR︻芫 —
Your Roleplay Name: MYSON TYSON
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:170803883

Why were you punished?: 3.4- User pulled a gun while being gunpointed resulting in their death

Why should this appeal be considered?: I wanted to apologize to the guy I broke the law in front of, it wasn't on purpose
I planned to take out the weapon as soon as I opened the door and it was just at a bad time. I know I have several violations of this rule. I really try as hard as I can. I play other games where you have to do the opposite and also take out a weapon quickly and kill
I didn't plan to kill him when I realized I was found undergun point But it was too late for what led to my death
I would appreciate it if you could consider me. I went through this rule, I read it again and I understood it. I would appreciate it if you could accept my request positively

I do appreciate your apology but like I told you in your sit and what you have stated, you have a lot of 3.4 rulebreaks and the 1 week ban was already pretty lenient for the record you have. You're going to need to wait this one out unfortunately
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