Ban Apology (Scoot)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scoot
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: enderzag
Your Roleplay Name: Rob Fitcher
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60302159

Why were you punished?: I was in the bazaar and it was full so I asked Someone to let me use their shop while afk they said yes, then covered my items using an image frame when they came back instead of asking me to remove the items. They wouldnt give me my guns back I had for sale. I asked them many times and they still wouldnt so i killed them. I didnt think this was against the rules because they stole my items. I got killed by his friend anyways also and it was all in rp sitiation so I didnt think it was against the rules. I am sorry it wont happen again. I also went afk and went to sleep and just woke up banned so I didnt have a chance to explain my side of the story.

Why should this appeal be considered?: The guy let me use his shop and then went and switched his opinion of the situation when he came back from being afk. This is a general accident. I thought him stealing my guns was a reason to kill him epically after asking multiple times for my guns back so that I can just leave.

Additional Information: I think I was set up to be banned.
I am apologising. I didnt know killing him for that would be against the rules
I also just wanted to explain my side of the story because I was afk when I was banned I didnt know I had a report on me

You had already been spoken to by another staff member for rule 3.13. In this appeal you state that they said you could put your stuff there, but then switched up which wasn't the case. You told the shop owner that "they took away my shop, so I have to take someone else's". This whole situation was easily avoidable and after they asked you to move your stuff, you continued placing items down for sale and you killing them over this is quite excessive. They didn't steal your items they blocked them off from being sold and made an F6 about it.

Little tip- If you are going to sleep maybe disconnect before sleeping.
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