Ban Apology (Scoot)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scoot
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: RoosterJack
Your Roleplay Name: Jack Araw
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:124418552

Why were you punished?: 3.4- User flanked raiders while cops were actively still in the area

Why should this appeal be considered?: I just got back onto Perp after scrounging to find hours to play, and carving out homework and schoolwork to keep getting the org to come on, and get shit done. Finally got on today on Sunday, greeted with a raid at Subs 3.

In the span of 10 seconds:
I look around, and check for cops and cop cars. I see cop cars, and then see cops get actively shot down by the raiders, who are in my sights. I see the cops die and make another visual sweep for more cops, see none, and then still see the raiders.
I prepare my gun and begin shooting.
Get one, and then get killed from somewhere I don't even know.

10 minutes later after dying, and where my org has gathered up some people and wanted to base a bit more, the F6 comes in amidst property discussion. In no less than 10 minutes, it's processed and I'm banned for 5 days.

I'm prefacing this with my perspective to sort of frame my view on the whole thing, where the reason for my Sunday plans getting stopped and most of the stuff I do in the evenings are eliminated because of 10 seconds in time.
Because of this 10 seconds of hasty movement and improper planning, it's dashed and now I'm left spectating the rest of my org doing stuff while I'm stuck here unable to do anything.

I'm very sorry for the actions that occured in the situations at Subs 3, I was simply trying to do my best by my org and by those inside, and especially attempting to adhere to 3.4 to the utmost degree I can within the span of 10 seconds. I'm sorry I wasn't able to adhere completely to the rules in this heat of the moment. I try my best to comply with 3.4 as it's the only rule I've been banned on, and yet it somehow keeps catching up to me.
Trust me, it's as annoying for you guys to deal with the same rulebreak over and over as it is for me trying to avoid it, and getting caught for it in the end.
I'm trying my best to get better by the rules;
Megasaw who dealt with it before knows that I don't go out of my way to be a dickbag and break 3.4 incessantly.

All in all, I try my best to avoid 3.4 and I try to make this apparent, but it doesn't exactly come across when it keeps catching me.
I'm sorry for breaking it... admittedly again, assure if I'm unbanned I'll be sitting pretty in a base, no raiding for me for a while.