Ban Apology (Scrabuz/[-Core-] Daan)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scrabuz/[-Core-] Daan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: p0ng
Your Roleplay Name: Lau chong
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64745583

Why were you punished?: 2.5, The player killed another player for a situation they started by punching the other player for seemingly no reason in the first place.

Why should this appeal be considered?: So i recognise what i did was wrong after talking to the admin but i feel like i could deserve an extra chance first of all i know you have no reason to even care about this but my friend works alot and we only really get to play on weekends friday night/saturday night and it sucks even more as i have to go on vacation sunday morning so we wanted to just have a couple days of gaming with the boys before going away for a while - now for the actual reason i believe you should consider this is because i was 100% sure what i did was okay as ive had the same thing happen to me so many times and i even asked in chat prior to comitting the murder if i was okay to do so and i was told yes (idk if u can check my chat logs but i did) i am sorry that i did this but i think it was kind off on the edge and a ban is a bit harsh for my first offense regarding this subject i hope you believe me when i say that i had no intention of RDMing that guy ive been told the term is called and it wont happen again.

Additional Information: I think that was all i hope you will atleast consider this and if not thats fine too <3