Ban Apology (Sean)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Sean
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: DiabloEureka118
Your Roleplay Name: Russell Foyge
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:815112997

Why were you punished?: 2.5 and 3.4

Why should this appeal be considered?: I appealed yesterday and it got denied Sean told me to appeal in a few days hen I have read all the Rules I have Spent all night last night Reading the rule from the server and what to do and what not to do the rules and regulations I have to follow within the good community to be a outstanding and rule abiding player I am severely sorry about all that I have done and it will not happen again I hope this does get accepted so I can prove to the Helpers the Enforcers and the Admins and the Senior Amins and moderators that I have read the rules and regulations of there server and ready to integrate back into the community and fit in with everyone and I would like to prove to anyone that I'm not a rule breaker and I can follow simple orders and commands and do as I'm told.
Is one night considered a few days for you by chance?
Truthfully and Honesty is key that's why I'm being truthful and honest saying I spent my night actually reading up on the rules both for Civilians and PD to be able to make this appeal within gesture of me apologising and proving I can be a good community member.
Is one night considered a few days for you by chance?
And I also Know I said a few days but he also said when in the Previously denied Appeal that read the rules also and I have read the rules clearly especially 2.5 and 3.4 the ones always catching me out.

You have two previous bans for the exact same rule in such a small amount of time. You can wait this ban out.
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