Ban Apology (Server console)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Server console
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: SourSensation
Your Roleplay Name: Eric Hayes
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:460247820

Why were you punished?: Got banned because my acc is hooked up w my cousins and it thought it was an alt acc even tho we both play on the server and are seperate ppl, only reason i have his acc login is cause were close cousins and i do his daily spins when hes gone working on the oil fields, at first i thought it was cause i switched from his old pc from before playin on a laptop and logged into soursenation twice but then in my first appeal an admin told me it was due to evading, even tho thats not the case cause im not sqweezemytesties and soursenation is my own acc while thats my cousins, so it banned me permanently even tho ive never done anythin wrong in the server

Why should this appeal be considered?: Banned a completely innocent person who has 0 warns or bans, buys prem and alr have lost multiple days due to this dumb incident, i enjoy the server hella and love creating dope rp scenarios such as muggings, hostage exchanges, drug dealings etc but this is just a bummer and im hoping i can get some days back on my premium for this

Additional Information: Lmk if theres anyway i can help to prove it, can set up a disc meeting or something to show that were separate ppl, pretty sure my acc got banned because my cousin was getting hella warns and when he was banned for 2 days i tried to play on my own acc on soursenation and because i have his login ig? (sqweezemytesties) it thought i was evading ban on dif acc is my best guess?
Reaction score

You already have an appeal open….why are you posting another one?
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