Ban Apology (steelo)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @steelo
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Busterr
Your Roleplay Name: Bjorn Hansen
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:197539376

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 5.3 - After dying while raiding Regals 1, the user respawned and returned to Suburbs Storage to gear back up and attempt a counter raid on Church. The user and their associates opened fire on a group of individuals that were storing guns in their vehicle and preparing to leave at Graveyard. However, there was no raid taking place at Church and this was the same situation that the user had previously died during

Why should this appeal be considered?: Dear Steelo,
I just want to apologise to you for wasting your time in order to ban me for a shitty reason. i understand your actions and fully agree that i should have gotten a ban. honestly i have been trying to avoid breaking rules and i guess it just happened. like i said before, i have no excuses and it was foolish of me acting before investigating, and it was completley my fault.

i can assure you that i will be more cautious when i am not very sure if im breaking rules Like this situation for example.

thanks for reading my appeal and have a nice day
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