Ban Apology (Torbizzle)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @torbizzle
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Potato0101
Your Roleplay Name: Bruce Mcroquette
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:184365321

Why were you punished?: 3,4

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello, I am making this request because while In f6 the staff member told me I would be receiving a 2 week ban, but when i looked at scambans, its shows that he put me 3 weeks, I do not contest the fact that the cop was pointing his gun at me but 2 of my friends where still alive in the raid and had a visual on me while I had my hands up to the cop I did not think at the moment that I was doing anything wrong because my friend where still alive and had a visual on me, the cop was giving me so many diffrent orders at short period of time that i was only able to put my hands up I did go on the phone before any orders were giving to me.
Also I am deeply sorry for my actions an will make sure to re-review the rules before joining back
Is this an apology or a dispute?

And I added an extra week to your ban as when I told you in the report that you'd be issued a 2-week ban you tried crashing into someone, which you failed & you then DCed.
Is this an apology or a dispute?

And I added an extra week to your ban as when I told you in the report that you'd be issued a 2-week ban you tried crashing into someone, which you failed & you then DCed.
Hello it is an apology and as you mention me crashing the car when I clip my game alt tabs when I came back on the game I was to crash into someone one so i steered to whatever side to avoid the other player.
I am not trying to make a dispute but i am also confused as why you would put extra time without adding the reason to it.
Thank you
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