Ban appeal @nutrient10

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Reaction score
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans)
How long were you banned for: 1 Day

Your Steam Name
: censored.exe
Your In-game Name: Chris Jenson
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:72160298

Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans)
Why should this appeal be considered:

Firstly, id like to go over what the video entails. It shows them driving on the wrong side of the road, smashing into my vehicle and then shit-talking me, arguably 2.5 and I acted wrongly from that, hitting him slightly with my vehicle after he provoked me to do so. After this, he decides its reason to kill me, so hunts me down. No staff seemed to be on, so I didnt make an AR. After respawning, you can see my vehicle is tear 1'ed in a new location. This was clearly excessively negative from their POV, and again annoyed me more and more. I then had to spend money and time going to get wrenches because they decided to ram my car purely to annoy me and incite me further to do something. After all this, I made the clear mistake of letting my anger get to me and running him over. Im extremely apologetic for this, and said so multiple times during the situation, i even said Id comp them for the vehicle they broke.
Now, while this may sound like a dispute, its not. I made a wrong choice, and decided to act on my anger and I believe I should be punished as such, however I promise it wont happen again and that the video provided gives some insight into why I made that choice and why I acted like I did.

Im very sorry again nutrient, for attempting to deceive you with language like "initially it was an accident". It wont happen again, I made a stupid mistake in the heat of the moment, however I would like to be unbanned as I have friends I wish to play with on the server, who I cant help and do things I told them i'd do today, because of a stupid decision I made in a matter of 2 seconds.

I'd like to reiterate that this isnt a dispute, I am sorry for my actions, however, would like some insight into why I made the decision I did, following there clear 2.5, 1.1 debatably in OOC and possible RDM.

Sorry again

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