Ban Appeal @Spaceshots, Shay

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @SpaceShots @Shay
How long were you banned for: 2 days

Your Steam Name: bobo
Your In-game Name: edward hustle
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:193447733

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Stole a car from the PD parking and jumped from the roof in an admin sit

Why should this appeal be considered: I'm actually appealing not only to get unbanned but also because the staff members who dealt with me are my friends, and in that admin sit I was acting cocky like I don't give a damn about the server and after taking a break for a short period of time I realized that I acted like a jackass on both my friends and on the guy who reported me, I tried solving it in the admin sit by refunding the guy his pistol because he died and he didn't want money, I apologized to him he didn't want to accept my apology, so I'm sure I'm not meant to suck his dick so he can forgive me, I tried what I could to fix the situation but he didn't want anything in return he wanted me banned from the server.

I actually crowbarred the car by accident and i told you that already, you all didn't believe me and it does sound like bullshit, but what i saw on that admin sit like all three of you wanted me banned so that's what I did, I jumped off the roof so you'll have a reason to ban me and feel good about it.

Additional Comment(s): you owe me 8k that was dropped from the roof :spiderman:

Just make sure you're a bit more careful of what you're doing next time. Also, lets not jump off the roof in an admin sit again please.
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