Ban appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Clarky
How long were you banned for: 5 days

Your Steam Name
: ẞƦƲի
Your In-game Name: Vladimir Binputin
Your Steam ID:

Why were you banned/blacklisted: i was banned for 3.16
Why should this appeal be considered: Firstly, i start off by apologizing it was a mistake and i was supposed to go afk for 5 mins or less but it took way more than and im giving this a shot, if this appeal gets denied its totally understandable

Additional Comment(s): -No additional comments-
The main reason as to why I placed you on a ban is because you were using commands such as +left and +forward in order to not be kicked by the anti-AFK system which you had a previous infraction for which was a warning. You going on duty as Dispatcher to then immediately doing this makes me believe that you were doing this purely to farm the pay check out of it. Could you give me an explanation to this please.
I would love to explain myself, so I hopped on duty and I had a personal call to go grab some stuff so i dont know what came in my mind I just used the command so I don’t get kicked out because I didn’t think I will take that much time and then when I came back my online class started and I joined the class. I completely forgot that I have gmod opened
We have decided to reduce your ban to 2 days, I appreciate the apology you have made in your appeal however should you repeat those actions then there will be no lenience for future instances. Please do make sure you read the rules too, click here to take a read over and hopefully you can start to follow them more.


Reviewed with @flugs
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