Ban Dispute (A1L)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @A1L
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: spindelpojken
Your Roleplay Name: Dean Sheackell
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:808225394

Why were you punished?: 2.5, 3.5 - User keeps on bringing stuff from his previous life into his new life, killing a courier for verbal disagreement, in another situation tried pushing someone off City Bridge for another altercation that he claims was from a previous life.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I killed the guy for a reasone. They shouted at me too leave and some of them pulled out guns. So i started shooting at the leader of the group they started shooting at me. I ran away. 30 secs later i pull out my gun and hide beside a bush and shoots the leader again so he dies. For me trying to push someone of a bridge, it was a joke. The guy that i was trying to joke with just killed me. I was joking in that sititatone. If someone pulls out a gun i do to. I held out a gun before and a guy killed me for that and my sit was closed because it is a valid reasone. I think i did nothing wrong killing the dude.
i know trying to push someone of a bridge is idiotic. Someone tried to do it to me before he got no punchiments.
You need proper evidence like your demo or video evidence and I have no idea what you’re even talking about some of this stuff lol, you killed a courier over verbal disagreements and then kept bringing stuff from your past life into your current life which you knew about afterwards. Seems like you’re thinking about something else or just full on talking shit
can you check demo? Every time his freinds pulls out weapons they try too hurt me. Im not taking this from my old life like i know this people. So i do what they do.
can you check demo? Every time his freinds pulls out weapons they try too hurt me. Im not taking this from my old life like i know this people. So i do what they do.

Everything you said to me was in chat so its all logged, you told me they were insulting you and saying ‘go go go’ that’s it, nothing about guns or whatever and you were saying they were calling you ‘slurs’ which you proceeded to say they called you idiots which you say is a slur lol
i have no freinds playing the game, i dont know what to do really im trying to like do stuff on the server and have fun.
I’m not waffling. I’m not that good at English, making it hard for other users to understand. I’m using auto correct now.

There’s a lot of waffle here….

Let’s try keep this simple;

1) Did you bring up information from a past life?

2) Did you try push someone off the city bridge, if so, why?

3) Do you have any evidence for this dispute?
1. Yes but it was dumb off me but I know my rights now
2. I was joking and the dude wasn’t afk he just dodged it so I fell of the bridge
3. Idk what evidence I need
1. Yes but it was dumb off me but I know my rights now
2. I was joking and the dude wasn’t afk he just dodged it so I fell of the bridge
3. Idk what evidence I need

So you’ve just admitted you broke the rules you were banned for?

Make a staff complaint if you really want, but, let’s be honest there isn’t anything to complain about.

@Scrabuz @3izu

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