Ban Dispute (Aquaa)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: Bedhead Lurker
Your Roleplay Name: Silens Sicarius
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:926558842

Why were you punished?: Apparently for killing someone over "minor" argument at storage

Why should this appeal be considered?: First of all it was not a minor argument or however you called it the guy that was killed by me had rammed my car previously and punched me and his 2 friends that were in the other car threatened me with a gun, as you can see they were quick to react when I shot the guy. If you want to know why I blocked you on steam I just got a random friend request and when I opened your profile it was people saying how you were some kind of toxic guy and stuff like that and I thought you were a random person from the server adding me just to shit talk or something I don't recommend reaching me out that way ,how about you just answer the tickets in the timely manner and I provide you with an explanation as to why I did it instead of banning me after assuming I did something without a reason.

Additional Information: Thanks for ruining my plans for my day off work :) cuz this appeal will take ages to be approved or probably won't cuz I do not use any recording software.

Please upload evidence through using your demo.

Details for how to do so can be found on the forums.
Please tell me when did that happen , so I know which demo to send , unless you want to look tru 8 hours of footage

Please upload evidence through using your demo.

Details for how to do so can be found on the forums.
Please tell me when did that happen , so I know which demo to send , unless you want to look tru 8 hours of footage
He added me couple of days ago I don't even remember + I know i stayed on the server after that for a while and no ticket was opened on me. And I don't think sending a guy who has bunch of trade comments and stuff should be the one adding people clearly we all know what people will think of that .
We already had a clip of the situation at storage, what evidence is needed of is the stuff you mentioned beforehand like them threatening you with weapons. You mentioned that the people in the mini cooper did this, it doesn't exactly give you a stronger reason to kill the other guy just by affiliation if all he did was hit your car once and punch you.
We already had a clip of the situation at storage, what evidence is needed of is the stuff you mentioned beforehand like them threatening you with weapons. You mentioned that the people in the mini cooper did this, it doesn't exactly give you a stronger reason to kill the other guy just by affiliation if all he did was hit your car once and punch you.
He was with the 2 guys as you can see they blocked my car and tried to lockpick it

I have checked the logs and your top-tier evidence to investigate this matter and it appears that the only person you killed was the only person you actually didn't have a justifiable reason to kill as the last gun they held was immediately stored from subs storage into their trunk 20minutes before you killed them. You are not allowed to kill someone just based on affiliation.

Reviewed with @Efan
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