Ban Dispute (@Auston)

Reaction score
rasclart hq
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @@Auston
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: rxsm
Your Roleplay Name: I don't remember
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79476562

Why were you punished?: 3.18 - Stored a firearm during an active shootout directly in front of a TFO

Why should this appeal be considered?: I believe this ban to be false, and whilst I do not blame Auston at all as it was a bad situation in which I was disconnected from the server and he wanted to deal with the report with the only available evidence, I would like to give my side of the story.

We had raided Office, we had killed every Officer on scene a minute or two beforehand and the only remaining Officer was the TFU van, who was by himself. In this clip provided in Evidence you can see I drove back onto the scene with a vehicle to store the remaining weapons, whilst being covered by @MILKY and @ICEKILLER_99 from the left, the way that the van was positioned he was unable to run me over due to the handbrake on the lexus as well as the positioning of him, he would have to get out on the side which faces directly where Ice and Milky were, which meant my life was not in IMMINENT, nor ANY danger really. As you can tell in the clip I was in the trunk to distract him into thinking I was by myself to get him out of the vehicle, which resulted in his death. As shown in the following text:

As the rule states here; "While their life and/or freedom is in imminent danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks/ATMs to avoid losing valuable items or money that the player is currently holding on their person."

I don't believe my life nor freedom was in imminent danger due to my positioning of the vehicle and the TFO, as well as the others watching for me.

The ban reason may try to sway your opinion however I can say that the 'ongoing shootout' is false, the shootout ended about a minute before, when a civilian tried to flank and got killed by me.
i can confirm i was covering romero rxsm, I was the one that 9.5ed the tfu so technically he is fully correct

There is a clear risk to your well being during this situation. Although your friends are there to cover you, the gun should not have been stored until the area have been fully cleared for any potential threats.

Reviewed with @Efan & @3izu