Ban Dispute (Auston)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Auston
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: ian
Your Roleplay Name: Klaus Zneinsenhower
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:556515658

Why were you punished?: Breaking NLR

Why should this appeal be considered?: I sent the staff a photo of my pov which didnt show the NLR warning on my screen he asked me to send an uncropped version, I did then after he proceeded to say "either way you came back and killed him you will be recieving a 3 day ban and immediately banned me, when I was going to tell him that the guy held me at gun point as I was running back to my apartment.
Logs are showing you died to Ikea Monkey your next log is saying you were caused to bleed by Ikea Monkey and then you caused bleeding on Ikea Monkey then was killed by Rats. After your first death why did you return to Regals Apartment, surely you would've known the raid was still on-going
apartment 3 was getting raided, I lived in apartment 4, I was going downstairs then I got shot and killed . Since I wasn't part of the scene i thought it would be okay for me to go back to my apartment. I was wrong an admin said "your still on NLR bud" then sent me back to where I respawned near the ban. Keep in mind we lived in regals so I was in my head for a bit came back and saw I didn't have the NLR boarder on my screen so I was running back to my apartment then the guy is coming out and straight up said "hands up hands up" with a gun to my head, I followed as told then he got distracted by someone or something I saw the gun picked it up and killed him. Auston himself said I was the guy that got sent back but then he started dragging it and I kept trying to explain to him but he kept trying to find reasons. I understand the NLR now I am a new player too and have looked everything now. I'm sorry but all of these factors should've also been looked before giving me the straight 3 days without letting me explain completely.
So if you were already sent away once, why on earth would you be fine to immediately return?

Next time don’t go near your NLR zone at all. If you can see your NLR zone you’re too close.

Reviewed with @Scoot
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