Ban Dispute (BenJ)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: BenJ
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: DemonZ
Your Roleplay Name: Cameron Bleed
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:528275255

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.4, 2.5, 3.4: Killed 2 police officers and attempted to kill a third for an invalid reason then ragequit as the report was being handled and the user was being questioned.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Okay so basically lets start from the fact why i killed them both, so basically i was at bazar, they were just saying shit about my bmw, provocating me, throwing trash at my car (As cops, yes) then as i said, ''im gonna do something to u in a sec'' he pulled out cuffs and said ''bet'' so i decided to get him, then his friend from the back pulled out a gun so i had to atleast try and get him as well, i did, but got shot, after that another cop killed me fully. So thats already an provocating reason, would do it again :), next thing is that ''kill a third'' while i was going with no weapons, and about the ''ragequit'' i told u im playing to play with ym bois, told u to warn/ban me for that, ur decision,.

Please supply evidence for your dispute. Faliure to do so within 24 hours will result in it being denied.
how can i have a evidence of that? theres none, exactly, none, that means even benj has no proof of it happening? tf u want from players if even an admin cant prove something, damn.
I'll omit the 1.4 part of the ban as I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt that there was no ill intentions on you disconnecting.
@Th3rrorist thing is, i did kill u, but why provocate? and another thing is that, u didnt pull me over XD ya launched a siren for a second, just got out the car on a diff parking spot, not even behind me, on the other side of a parking + with no lights on. so stop the cap
benj i disconnected cuz ma boy was asking to play with me for over 2 hours as this time XD + we were chilling on cord for like 30 mins even when the report started.
even if ur not gonna accept the dispute, i just want to make u believe that i didnt wanna leave to ''avoid'' ban or some shit, cuz its 2021 and not 2010 that u have to check logs for 2 hours to get someone banned from offline. so yea
how can i have a evidence of that? theres none, exactly, none, that means even benj has no proof of it happening? tf u want from players if even an admin cant prove something, damn.

also can you construct everything into one post instead of just creating silly comments that contribute absolutely nothing lol
Involved. I was the officer that shot you down. When I arrived I saw you randomly kill one officer then another then attempt to kill me. You didn’t really value your life considering I had a pistol and you had a machete.
@Tetra who tf did i shoot down? if i already killed 2, im not gonna give up, better to already risk it to the end and maybe win.
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Becouse I was one of the officers on scene and DemonZ is lying on dispute I sended @A1L demo file so he can watch it or record it so he can show to the rest of moderation involved here

Officer placed your garbage bag after you proppushed us with it
I made 1 joke didn't ment to offend and you killed us
No one throwed trashes on your car or harrased you.
prop pushed? by throwing it at u? XDD and i dont care u ''didnt mean to'' but u did, ur problem as a officer. and yea yall did, the bob bobbinson did, he took the trash from me, jumped on my car, and threw it on top of it. thank u ;) first watch ur own demo.

User has failed to provide evidence to ba k up their claims. Feel free to make another once you have it.
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