Ban Dispute (blobvis 2.0)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @blobvis 2.0
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: bare1212
Your Roleplay Name: Doron Akiva
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83426086

Why were you punished?: I have no idea

Why should this appeal be considered?: It says 2.5 - user bat down someone at wood cabin 3 for seemingly little to no reason
But I've never done something like that for no reason?
I’ve never done anything like this without a reason. Nobody even asked for my side of the story before issuing this ban. It feels unfair because I was never given a chance to explain or defend myself.

Due to this being a dispute you must provide evidence of your claim.

Why did you rush into wood cabin trying to kill someone with a bat when they had a gun in their hand?
This video does not favor you in any way. I want to see the situation from your POV please.
Can you please motivate your actions of why you killed him please.
Ok so ill explain from the start, at the start i was with my friend in hicktown and after we were to leave we saw the van and we wanted to mucg them, i saw someone running to the cabin and didnt noticed he had a pistol, so i followed him, when i got into the cabin which no one owned btw he gunpointed me so i tried to kill him.

You took an unnecessary risk by trying to 'mug' an armed player when several of his friends were right outside.

You gave false information to blobvis in DM's claiming your friend had him under gunpoint, but you friend were not armed or didn't leave the vehicle.

You charged in with bat in hand and swung the same time that you saw he had a gun in his hand so claiming you wanted to mug him is also not believable.

Reviewed with @Bnjemann @Scoot
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