Ban Dispute (captain)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @captain
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: Doodle
Your Roleplay Name: Hunter Lowe
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:184437514

Why were you punished?: I legit have no idea, the last time I was on the server I was never at gunpoint so I have no idea why I got banned

Why should this appeal be considered?: Because I was never at gunpoint, last time I was on the server I was sitting in my house for minimum 2 hours making drugs, got raided, went back when my nlr expired picked up my shit and got off, never once was I at gunpoint because I was only ever in my house

Additional Information: maybe give evidence of me doing it!
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The incident occurred at a big subs house as you went onto the balcony.

Do you remember now?
I remember getting raided yes but there were no lawful orders? They are trying to raid me so of course im going to defend my base, that just makes no sense to me
For disputes you are required to provide evidence.

You're in luck though as when you're on the server, there's a demo system always recording. Read more about it here:

It should be this demo: perpheads_demo_2025-2-26 13-46-56.dem, near the end.

After reviewing the evidence present in your ban details, the mentioned rulebreak of 3.4 is very evident.

In said situation a player caught you leaving your house into the balcony without a gun in hand and was very clearly gunpoiting you to which you end up pulling your firearm and shot the player after being aware of the gunpoint.

On a side note, and in response to something present in your dispute, even if your NLR timer is done, that doesn't mean that the situation is over and you should approach. Please make sure the situation is indeed over before coming close.

Reviewed with @Moonyx, @phoondos, @Tilin, @torbizzle, @Nazeer
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