Ban Dispute (CLARKY)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Clarky
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Year

Your Steam Name: ♥❤Cute and Cuddly❤♥
Your Roleplay Name: ramlethal valentine
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:184664563

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.2 - Playing racist stuff down their microphone

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was just playing some music and got told to stop and i already stopped and already got punished for it. then a whole day later this dude just hops on and randomly hands out a ban that goes on for way too long over something that I already stopped doing long ago without even saying anything to me. and even why i was in the middle of an RP situation. it's a bit excessive to ban someone who's new to the community for an entire year without warning. it's really fucked up

You can only dispute a ban if you feel that you have not broken the rules and the punishment is invalid, i.e. you did not do what was alleged. If you feel that the length of the ban is unjust your form of recourse is through a Staff Complaint instead. Additionally, as per the guidance here:
  • You should not automatically expect an unban, you are not entitled to play our server.
  • You may not be unbanned if you have ever demonstrated a course of conduct that is toxic, disrespectful or a safeguarding concern.
Are you still wanting to dispute this, or would you prefer to write an apology instead?
I don't get why this dude wants to kick someone who is new to the server out for a whole year. that's just entirely fucked up
like no warning, no chat or talk or anything dude just locked me out for an entire year. Why is he allowed to just hand out bans for that long as the first punishment? what is there to gain from that?

Make a staff complaint if you disagree with the length.
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