Ban Dispute (Console)

Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Console
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: MeganeFest
Your Roleplay Name: Megane Fest
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:929933931

Why were you punished?: Alt account of STEAM_0:0:26455820 ?

Why should this appeal be considered?: I am the roommate of SkiCat.
He got banned for one month on this account for saying offensive slur.
(He's not really in the best state of mind since his sister died) but he works nights and I work over the day.
We both share the same computer when we game or watch video's since we dont see each other much due to work and im mainly a console gamer.
I got invited after the incident by our same group of friends that also play on the server, since i play gta on ps5 and this is quite similar but more realistic. so i wanted to give it a go. I logged into my own account and I am also banned on my account it says? is that because we use the same PC ?
My friends looked on the website and saw that my account got perma banned instantly, I called Dean my friend, and he said it might be cause it of the same IP adress.
If you could let me know how we can fix this would be nice. otherwise Im going to have to play something else unfortunately. I kind of think its a bit unfair for me xs

Additional Information: Bolli told me to make this thread here.
So you decided to join the same Garry's mod server, your friend got banned from only 3 hours earlier with a new steam account that was made today?

And when you realised your account got banned you tried to join again with a VPN? :)
So you decided to join the same Garry's mod server, your friend got banned from only 3 hours earlier with a new steam account that was made today?

And when you realised your account got banned you tried to join again with a VPN? :)
we normaly game on the same account. since I am a PS5 mainly.
our friends play GTA with me or they play on PC with my roomie,
I was in a discord call with them when they explained what happened and they invited me. I was curious about the server and made an effort to come try it out. since my roommate is banned I couldnt come play on his account like i play CounterStrike on his account usualy.
So I made my own but I cannot join.
So you decided to join the same Garry's mod server, your friend got banned from only 3 hours earlier with a new steam account that was made today?

And when you realised your account got banned you tried to join again with a VPN? :)
What am I supposed to say? I can't be liable for his actions can I ? Dean is Dean and I am myself. the fact that Im curious but don't have my own computer shouldnt be a problem? I payed for my game. And I would love to use it as intended