Ban Dispute (Console)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Console
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: >.< :3 ;-; .-.
Your Roleplay Name: I didn't join before being banned
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:577002733

Why were you punished?: It said im the alt account of my brother and banned me

Why should this appeal be considered?: I haven't done anything wrong, i didn't actually get a chance to play the server yet haha (please ignore this message this is just so I can reach the 250 character limit because ive actually got nothing else to say until you reply so yeah thanks for reading :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DD D D D DD D D DD D D DD D DD D D D DDDD D DDDDDDDD D D D DDD D D D DD DA DA AD AOMFIA MFIAMF MA FMASFMAS IFMA SFMAS FMASFIMA SFIM ASMF MASF IMAMF ASM FMASF MASMF IMASF AMSF MAS FMAS FMAISFM OIAMSF IMSA FMAS IMFASOI FMASMF MASF MS FMSAFM IASMF IAMS FASMF AMSF MAISMF MAS FMSAMF MAS FMASF MASF MIAOS FMOIAS MFIAMSF MASF MASF MASMF IASMF IASM FOAMS FASMF OIASMF OASM FOIAMSF OIAMSF OIAMS FOIAMS FMAS FOMA SFIOMASF AOISMF MOASFMASF MAS FMAS FM ASFMI ASFM ASFMIASF MA SFMASF MSA FMASFMS AFM SAFMI SAFMIO sorry about this ive been trying for 15 minutes but i have to wait 150 seconds between each attempt so its taking forever to send my appeal

Additional Information: I've been banned because my brother has been given a 1 month suspension and its now auto banned me probably because we're on the same IP. i didn't actually do anything and I was wondering if this could be looked into as he has spoken very highly of the server so I thought id give it a go. feel free to contact me to discuss this, ill be back from work later on today. (please ignore this message this is just so I can reach the 250 character limit because ive actually got nothing else to say until you reply so yeah thanks for reading :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DD D D D DD D D DD D D DD D DD D D D DDDD D DDDDDDDD D D D DDD D D D DD
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