Ban Dispute (CONSOLE)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @CONSOLE
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Sh0gunTemz
Your Roleplay Name: {custom.rpname}
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:737882846

Why were you punished?: Supposedly ban evading

Why should this appeal be considered?: Firstly before baseless accusations are made I had never tried to ban evade, the account steam ID:STEAM_0:0:5963874 is an account I share a family with. It is not my account it is a family members account and if you check on steam you can see it has not been active on gmod in years. The console banned it as I tried to log on with my current account as I did not know I was banned at the time so I do not appreciate being accused for ban evasion by efan when I tried to apologise about my ban and defend myself a little bit as I did not get to previously. I never tried to ban evade and If you look at the steam account that was banned you can see it has not been active on Gmod and again it is not my account and I have a feeling when my current account is unbanned and I go to play my current account will be permanently banned by the console so can the other account unbanned to avoid this.

Additional Information: I am not how to send SS on this but you can check the steam account of Haized74 and see they have not been active on gmod recently. Also the ban report says family shared account and says nothing about ban evasion on it.
The account was just randomly banned by CONSOLE, you did not join on this account nor was punished for it, so I will just close this as this does not affect your account whatsoever.
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