Ban Dispute (Console)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Console
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: smokedope2016
Your Roleplay Name: Didn’t have one
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76561199665875587

Why were you punished?: My brother was playing and he told me about how he killed two people and how he got banned for it anyways long story short I went in on my account to try the server out and apologise on his behalf, when i got permanently banned when i logged in. For obvious reasons you thought it was his alt account logging in but it actually wasn’t.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I love role playing and I’ve been doing it since o was little, my brother told me about the server n said he hasn’t seen any server like that. That it was unique and one of its kind and how I would really enjoy it, and I wish I could enjoy it. I’m really sorry on his behalf he doesn’t understand any better he’s only 15 and hasn’t fully developed his frontal lobe haha. I don’t care what happens with him and his account because he knew the consequences but I really wanna check out the server and play on it so would you please unban me and at least give me a chance. I hope my explanation was clear enough.
So your brother gets banned and you decide to hop on an hour and a half after on a relatively new steam account?
Yes, he told me about it so it’s only natural o went in and was gonna check it out afterwards. I created another appeal explaining it better since I couldn’t reply yet but now i can. It’s a weekend now and I would really appreciate if i could play since i haven’t done anything in order for me not to be able to play, I even bought gmod on another account (STEAM_0:1:99050735) but i got banned there too? I literally spend more money so i would be able to enjoy the server but i got banned. I think this is rather unfair since i literally haven’t anything wrong. Please consider my request to play I really just want to play and have fun since i dont have many friends in real life.
And you tried to join on even more accounts when you already got banned for trying that the first time?
And you tried to join on even more accounts when you already got banned for trying that the first time?
Yes because I haven’t done anything wrong? I explained it was my 15 year old brother playing and got banned for griefing of some sort and killing people without reason and I went and checked out the server to play myself and then to later apologise on his behalf to an admin in game try to explain the situation and if he wouldn’t get unbanned that’s one thing but me myself i wanted to play but when I logged in I got banned immediately. I didn’t "alt" cuz I didn’t do anything wrong. I simply just wanted to be able to play on the server, I’ve tried all other gmod darkarp servers and they’re all really boring this one is one of its kind. I understand his ban but mine? I’m not so sure.
All I’m asking for is a chance, chance to prove I’m not a greifer, troller or someone seeking to cause chaos but I simply just wanna roleplay
I’m honestly at lost for words, I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong, nothing. I’ve even payed extra money so i would’ve been able to play but no, I’m banned. I genuinely think this isn’t nice and really unfair to the players who actually wanna role play and have fun. Just because someone else ruins the fun for others doesn’t mean you have to ruin the fun for people who haven’t even done anything.