Ban Dispute (Dom_)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Dom_
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: ALDI GXNG
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Abu-Almani
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:590796330

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - User killed a RC worker for impounding someone elses car and accidentally hitting him with said car when the user stood in front of it.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I don't think this RC minge hit me on accident. I watched him actually use the 1 and 3 keys to savely pull cars up and then drive off slowly on differnt occasions, in this case he sped away because I was confronting him about stealing cars.
This way he turned the car he was stealing into a wrecking ball and hit me with full force, which put my life in extreme danger as I could have realisticly died from the impact alone or from hitting my head on the ground afterwards.

I went back to the RC station to talk to him (unarmed) but he fled again when he saw me, so I grabbed a gun from slums 2 and hid at the station to confront him.

Additional Information:
Reaction score
Please don't close the dispute when the time ran out, I want to at least argue the phrasing of the ban reason should be changed to something more reasonable.

"User killed a RC worker for impounding someone elses car..."

This implies the victim was a diligent innocent worker who I RDMed for no reason, when in reality he stole a car of the bazaar parking lot, hit me with it, and then sped down business the wrong side of the highway.

"... and accidentally hitting him with said car when the user stood in front of it."

Again this makes me look like I a deranged idiot and without context you would think I stood in front of the impounded car and got angry the poor RC worker didnt manage to maneuver around me well enough. In the clip you see I stood next to the RC car, by the driver side window, trying to talk to him, and only got hit because how reckless he acted in fleeing the scene, without first securing the towed car, and also going too fast around the corner.
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I don't think your wording is more accurate at describing the events.

If you feel that another player is not following the rules, you should report them as per rule 2.6, not kill them.