Ban Dispute (Enforcer Mini)

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Reaction score
Paralake Police Department Cell 7
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Enforcer Mini
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: Ryandef
Your Roleplay Name: Pedro Mendez
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42747555

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: User killed cops over 5 year sentence & mingepunched.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Okay, I was firstly banned for killing an officer and attempting to kill the other to protect Mina & Noah Fricklestein, who were friends of Koji, an ally of mine. I didn't realise I couldn't kill cops for minor offenses under 5 years. I apologise for this one, but its minor.

The second case was when I was at the PD arguing and fighting with an officer. In my defense it was all for roleplay reasons and I do admit yes we got bored and were just fucking around but it was still kinda okay..? I was arguing with him for a while and threatening to knock him out etc and eventually we had a fight, both punching EACH OTHER and after I hit him about 3-4 times he decided to smack me with the stun stick and arrest me of course. But I have now spoken to this officer asking him about the situation and he didn't even report me, he told me we were just having a laugh. Which means Mini has taken it on himself to punish me for an offense that I may of commited but was agreed in all parties and still counts as roleplay.

I do apologise aswell for all my bull shit but cmon its christmas lets love and let live.

Additional Information: <3

You've tried apologising today not even 12 hours ago.

This means that the staff member isn't going go accept your apology on the same day.

You apologised and then made a dispute which indicates you accept your actions.

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