Ban Dispute (Enforcer Mini)

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Reaction score
Paralake Police Department Cell 7
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Enforcer Mini
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Ryandef
Your Roleplay Name: Ryan Valetti
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42747555

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 2.5 - User threw a grenade at an officer for 'taking their gun and being disrespectful' which led to their death and escalated a hostage situation in another apartment into a shootout.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Okay first of all what happened was I was living in Regals 5, a cop was hanging around outside my apartment and I hear something about food so I come outside and drop a burger. As I do so, I am cuffed instantly for leaving my property with a gun on my back and have it confiscated. My friend is still inside my property and is being threatened to store his weapon even know its on private property. We begin arguing with the officer and one thing leads to another so I come back and lob a grenade at him for being disrespectful, WHICH I understand MAY of been too much but I cannot for the life of me figure out how that 2.5 got added? Negativity? I didn't realise that the people underneath us would be raided because of my actions, its not my fault? Also 3.4 is kind of off as well as I did go in to a fight with risk but there was only one officer on show outside my apartment so I thought I had the chance, not expecting to be killed.

Also what got me is no F6 report was made, once again...?

I spoke to the people involved and nobody reported it, its just Mini taking actions against me regarding roleplay?

Additional Information: In conclusion I hope I haven't pissed people off, and I am sorry for my actions but I do believe they were okay in guidelines..?
Evidence? I could get a demo but it wouldn't provide much help? It would just show our small argument and me throwing the grenade as I died shortly.

My point is, I was banned for

2.5 - Excessive Negativity & 3.4 - Putting Your Life At Risk?

I don't understand who I was excessively negative to, as I said I understand the apartment below me was raided by cops for MY actions but I did not expect that to happen? How in any way would I expect cops to raid a property 2 floors below me for this...?

Also I know I died, but I didn't expect to, as I said there was only one officer in my view so I didn't think I was going to..? How in any way is this 3.4? I'd understand if I did it without reason and without having a weapon on me to deal with the situation. But in my eyes we were going to win this situation as there was 2 of us and one of him, my friend had an AK.. We had valid reason to do this as I said, the officer was disrespectful, gun pointed me and threatened me and my friend.

I understand anyway that maybe the grenade was kind of too much, I just don't understand why I have been banned for these reasons as they are way off..?

If 3.4 is used in this matter I just don't understand it, does this mean I can't raid people in case I die? I'm putting my life at risk..? Does this mean I cant drive dangerously around the map as its putting my life at risk? I can't rob stores or banks anymore as it puts me too much at risk of death. No more mugging for me in case they come back and kill me, cba with more bans.
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I do not know the background of the report or the situation but I'll let you know from the text as it seems you misinterpret how the rules were broken in the message.
In the ban reason, the aftermath is not the reason you are banned, however I understand why it might confuse you. I assume it was used to bring light to the whole situation.

If it is true and by what you stated, by throwing a grenade at an officer for simply being disrespectful (or any civilian) is disproportionate and not proper escalation by common sense, as 2.5 states:
"Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player."

You would agree that it is disproportionate to grenade a person for being disrespectful, by real life standards too.

As for 3.4, I suggest you just read the rule in its entirety. It includes valid reasons to kill police officers.
You also would be risking your freedom and life for no benefit - no value was brought to you by killing a police officer and the risk is very high - as now the whole department will be going after the life alert and coming to raid you after they acquire DNA.

Hope this helps.

You can't revenge kill an officer for simply doing their job, particularly in a case where your life/freedom from imprisonment is more important than a single gun. You even admit to it being excessive in your own appeal but say that somehow it doesn't fall under 2.5, when that is the literal definition.

Reviewed with @Hayden, @A1L and @Ellie
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