Ban Dispute (Headline)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Headline
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: AndreiaAndros
Your Roleplay Name: Andrew Vespucci
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:162687813

Why were you punished?: "1.6, 3.11 - Prop pushing vehicles, pretended he couldnt speak english in the admin sit. NITRP"

Why should this appeal be considered?: PREMISE: I AM WRITING THIS MESSAGE USING GOOGLE TRANSLATOR. 1) I have never "claimed to be able to speak English". I explicitly told you that I am Italian and therefore I do not understand what you are saying, that is to say that I do not understand the pronunciation of words very well. This demonstrates your racism towards those who do not speak English well, as in the entire server that as soon as they find out that I am Italian they joke about my pronunciation. Furthermore, sometimes you spoke quickly without giving me a chance to understand, as a racist would do. 2) It seems exaggerated to give me a permanent ban, because in the end I may have made a mistake, but it does not seem like a good reason to exclude me from the server forever. This demonstrates not only that you are racist, but also fascist. Fascists used to punish without giving anyone the chance to adequately defend themselves, they loved show trials and you seem to have taken inspiration from such trials. The truth is that you wanted to use your power to mock me and bully me, demeaning my clear difficulties in speaking English. if you tried to learn italian, i would kick your ass in my language. i go to college and i am much more culturally obstructed than the average american and the average english. you have a school system made with ass and you think you are the best. you are pathetic. you are just the heirs of a former slave and former colonial country that still uses an obsolete system like the monarchy. you are pathetic.

"succhiatemi il cazzo" is not evidence unfortunately. If you have an issue with how you were treated make a staff complaint.
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