Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?:@Headline How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days
Your Steam Name: P diddy Your Roleplay Name: Bob smithsson Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:90131809
Why were you punished?: Fearrp i belive
Why should this appeal be considered?: Since he never checked from my Pov he only ruled in favor to the guy that reported me i told him pull my demo and you will see that i were behind the piller which he refused to do and then carried on to ban me even tho i sayid i were behind the piller and i ran while my buddy shot at him he was focused on him while i was running behind the piller so i dont understand why he didnt pull my demo and didnt investigate the cause instead of just ruling in the favor of the sergeant in hes only Pov
Assuming that is your clip you provided, can you please show the entire situation if you had it recorded, whilst you do that, will find the demo name that you will need to upload if you don't have the recording.
Assuming that is your clip you provided, can you please show the entire situation if you had it recorded, whilst you do that, will find the demo name that you will need to upload if you don't have the recording.
Like stated above, if you do not have that recording, please record a clip from this demo: perpheads_demo_2025-2-11 15-59-11
Ensuring you showcase the entire situation.
If you need help doing this refer to this guide: https://help.perpheads.com/page/demos or dm myself
Upon reviewing the evidence from your ban, its pretty evident you stalled compliance and put your life at severe risk here, you should of complied with the officer and surrendered.
Reviewed with @blobvis 2.0 @Nazeer and @torbizzle