Ban Dispute (Headline)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Headline
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: saucybarko
Your Roleplay Name: i forgot it was weird
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41832567

Why were you punished?: 2.5 - User killed two unarmed people without a valid reason to.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Okay so basically i killed that lau chong guy because he killed my friend and the first girl got crossfired its her fault standing doorway while people are literally actively shooting its like she wants to die.
The other girl is just her and my fault cause in her part why is she there with no gun while there is a shootout and in my part i was just so stressed it always happens when i pvp in any game but i get alot more stress in this for some reason thats why i like it the adrenaline.

Additional Information: Sorry headline in the ticket i didnt know that i killed 2 unarmed people i thought it was only the girl in the doorway that was unarmed. am not really asking for much cause i think i did some wrong but 2 days is a little overkill.

Under review

On another note, can I have the demo for this incident so I can ban all of these absolute idiots for not running away from obvious shots fired in bazaar? Thx

Edit: The 3 goons shown in the video have been banned/ban extended for 3.4.
perpheads_demo_2025-2-15 23-00-12.dem is the demofile, please upload it to a filesharing website to allow me to download it.
Could you also tell me exactly what friend of yours was killed by the user you killed in the video provided and how you are 100% certain that individual was the one that killed your friend?
my friend was hayden mario and i was there when it happend let me give you the demo and youl see give me a sec


After reviewing your demo, we have determined that only 1 kill was intentional with no valid reason therefore, your ban will be lowered to 1 day from the 2 days.
4 more goons have also been banned for 3.4 as they failed to run away from shots fired and instead ran towards them.

Reviewed with @A1L
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