Ban Dispute (Headline)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Headline
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: ri ri jo jo
Your Roleplay Name: Krick Banreshi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:746977076

Why were you punished?: 1.2, 3.4 - User, during multiple altercations in front of PD, risked his freedom multiple times, getting himself arrested several times within an hour for no benefict. During one of this instnces, the user used an homophobic slur against another player.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I have apologized for saying the F slur, my apology was denied by Headline and i was told i can apologise again after half of the ban is done and he said that i can make a staff complaint about the length of the ban, i made this complaint but was closed by A1L who i believe didnt understand what i was complaining about.
I will explain again that i only want to dispute the punishment i have gained from the issues with the police (3.4). I understand why i was punished for 1.2 and will go through the apology process when i am able to.
Onto the issues with the police, i have been punished for 3.4 which i believe is completely wrong. It started with me driving onto the path next to the small carpark infront of city hall, i slowly drove up it and slightly nudged the group of people there, one of these people being a police officer. He pulled out his AR and with no warning or attempt to hold me at gunpoint and he shot my car to death and injured me majorly. I then started complaining and asking him why hes shooting me and he gave me an order to get out of the car, 2 seconds later he shot me unconscious where i was then revived by an ems. He put me in handcuffs and accused me of trying to run him over, i was complaining at him and shouting at him which is where i used the F slur that is mentioned in the report. I got put in prison for 10 mins and when i got out i walked into the PD parking lot and asking for a police officer as 2 were there, i was then instantly put in handcuffs with no warning and was put into jail for 10 mins for trespassing. Headline said in the f6 that this was due to the fact that there was a riot or something happening but i was in prison and had no possible way of knowing that that was happening. After my 10 mins in jail i got out and started speaking to an ems who i was complaining to about being put into prison multiple times. As a joke i asked him for his firearm, he is an ems so i am very aware that he doesnt have a firearm hence why i asked him, to shoot an officer. I was then handcuffed by an officer and walked to jail, i explained that i was joking and purposefully speaking to an ems as i cant get a gun from him but i wasnt heard out and jailed for i believe 2.5 - 3 mins. After that i spoke to Headline in the f6, tried to explain my side of the story but was given the month ban. I do not understand how this breaks 3.4 as the first incident was me going to jail normally, the second was me being jailed with no warning or knowledge of what had been going on and the 3rd was me making a joke that was taken as a threat.

Additional Information: Just to reiterate, i am only trying to dispute the punishment following the 3.4 to attempt at a reduce in the length of my ban.
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You are required to upload evidence to dispute bans, you will have 48hours to upload a video of the situation else this will be closed.

You described breaking 3.4 in your initial arrest by the TFU.

There is nothing about this ban that is invalid or excessive.
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