Ban Dispute (Jimmy)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Jimmy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Biggo
Your Roleplay Name: Riley Boston
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:547475683

Why were you punished?: 2.5 Shot a player at drug dealer without attempting to initiate a mug or issue any verbal commands.

Why should this appeal be considered?: i was camping DD when the player i killed and another player came down with 2 shotguns on there back. one of them went to speak to the NPC while the other one stayed in front of the boat i was hiding on, i ran at the guy in front of my boat and he had a shotgun in his hand so i shot him and killed him before he shot me as he had a shotgun out, the staff then claimed that i cannot defend myself as i was trapped because there was no attempt of running off as i would have been shot and i did not see the shotgun in his hand before he saw me. There was no potential to issue verbal commands as he would have killed me? Surely if i attempted to make contact with him while he had a gun in hands it would be 3.4?

Additional Information: i don't see how its 2.5 as in that case i lose either way. If i didn't kill him, i would have died. if i told him to put his hands up, i would have died and that's 3.4. but then if i defend myself its 2,5
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Hi i am involved you shot me when i posed no threat to you the world doesnt revolve around u nobody with me knew you and were not going to shoot you i went to dd to sell my drugs and seen you on the boat so i had my gun out because if i didnt u would have mugged me as you were camping dd u popped out of your hiding place as we were leaving and i said "Alright mate" then u shot me i found it very excessive so i reported you. so i dont know why you think i was going to shoot you there was 3 of us at the dd 2 talking to the dd and 1 unarmed saying i might get mugged by this guy on the boat then he ran at towards us for safety and u shot me heres my POV:
Hi i am involved you shot me when i posed no threat to you the world doesnt revolve around u nobody with me knew you and were not going to shoot you i went to dd to sell my drugs and seen you on the boat so i had my gun out because if i didnt u would have mugged me as you were camping dd u popped out of your hiding place as we were leaving and i said "Alright mate" then u shot me i found it very excessive so i reported you. so i dont know why you think i was going to shoot you there was 3 of us at the dd 2 talking to the dd and 1 unarmed saying i might get mugged by this guy on the boat then he ran at towards us for safety and u shot me heres my POV:
1. Can’t really slander me in a report little man . 2. you saw me on the boat, you had a gun in your hand running at me as i was running at you? i was not aware of your intentions as i cannot read minds. i see you running at me with a gun in hand with 2 friends around you. im going to shoot at you as anyone would
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You killed someone because they were armed, however, they were not a threat to you until you pulled your gun and started shooting them.

Just because you are trying to mug people, it does not change the circumstance that you can shoot people.

You had three choices in this scenario;

A) See he is armed and stay hidden by the boat to avoid any risk

B) Confront him & try to get him to surrender, however, knowing he can pull his gun as it is equipped.

C) Just walk past him and say "I'm not a threat"

The user you killed, did not threaten your life & gave you no reason to kill them.

TL : DR - This isn’t cod, stop shooting people on sight.

Reviewed with @Ellie & @Ezza
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