Ban Dispute (Jimmy)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Jimmy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: spikefinger
Your Roleplay Name: Rake Henderson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41209589

Why were you punished?: 2.5 Shot someone dead because they punched them, escalating a situation into a police shootout and an 8 year jail sentence. // Extended to 1 week by Jimmy after new evidence for 3.4 showing they carried out said killing directly in front of a police officer. // Extended to 1 month by Jimmy for 1.1 in steam DMs afterwards

Why should this appeal be considered?: I left the discord because i was upset, Why? i thought the admins knew why they banned me so i posted a clip in the discord server of the event, What i didnt know is that They didnt, infact know why they banned me, So this fellow named jimmy comes along and bans me for 1 week. I typed a offhanded response and left the discord server, then He has the audacity to add me on steam, i accept. I say some words and He and extends my ban to 1 month, Because Moderators can apparently ban me for something that happened in dm's outside the server and didnt affect any other user's.

Additional Information: I had to send a clip of my own for any action to be taken.
i expressed my frustration's with the situation, mentioning again how i had to send in a clip for a actual ban to happen. How can something in DM's voilate 1.1? how? its not even directly related to the server at all. So do the mods have a free pass at all times to ban whoever they please because they said something they didnt like? its that how this works?
Im almost ready to just give up. this is what i get for interacting with the ''community'' a 1 month ban. You see these clips in the discord server of people killing other people, but god forbid i do it. nothing i say matters anyways, just digging myself in a deeper grave.
Im almost ready to just give up. this is what i get for interacting with the ''community'' a 1 month ban. You see these clips in the discord server of people killing other people, but god forbid i do it. nothing i say matters anyways, just digging myself in a deeper grave.

Considering this is your dispute, please provide evidence what you said to the staff member. Your evidence also shows you clearly shooting in front of officers which you were not punished for 3.4 and only for 2.5 Excessive Negativity. Do you also have any reason why you were shouting "ALLAH AKBAR" whilst shooting the person?
? i was not shouting ''Allah ackbar'' at all dude, where did you get that from?
i have shitty memory, thats fair. So you did see what happened, so then why change my ban? for what purpose? why didnt you let anyone else know about it too, since i was only banned for 3 days on the grounds of what i told a mod on the F6 report.
i have shitty memory, thats fair. So you did see what happened, so then why change my ban? for what purpose? why didnt you let anyone else know about it too, since i was only banned for 3 days on the grounds of what i told a mod on the F6 report.

I never took the report report nor did I look into it, I went off the server, I am not involved in your ban. Seeing as the person who banned you clearly didn't see you knew there was an officer there, you still have not provided any evidence of what you said to the staff member for the extension of 1.1 afterwards of the other extension for 3.4
called me a idiot preceded by me calling him a jackass. Im not proud of what i said and i apologized to jimmy afterwards. But the issue still remain's.Screenshot 2024-11-15 094023.png


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    Screenshot 2024-11-15 094006.png
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i dont have a double wide moniter where i can stretch out an entire screenshot. ill try to pull it top to bottom though.
is it that hard to still ask for you to provide from start to finish? It's hard to tell if you've cut out more, get from the start to finish, one last time before I just don't bother anymore

After reviewing the report chat logs as well as the reasons for the extensions, this is all justified it seems and reasonable. You should really think before you type, you breaking community rules to a staff member is still punishable. I would've suggested you to make a staff complaint if you disagreed with the extensions, however I can quite clearly see they're okay, so please do not bother making a complaint on this.

Thanks for submitting the dispute regardless, I'd suggest making an apology once you've served possibly half your ban.
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