Ban Dispute (Marine Putin)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Marine Putin
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day

Your Steam Name: Frede
Your Roleplay Name: Frede Russo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56480134

Why were you punished?: 3.30 - While an active raid was happening at Hungeries and assailants were nearby, the player continued to confiscate 3 weapons while other officers were dying during the confiscation.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was told by another officer to confiscate the weapons so that is exactly what I did we cleared the perimeter beforehand and the officers that got killed got shot from the office window a block away so I returned fire with another officer that told me they were going to go raid office I asked if I should confiscate the weapons and I was told yes so I went right to confiscating the weapons. my question is is in the rule 3.30 it states if the guns are out in the open or have a risk of somebody taking them you are allowed to confiscate the weapons which there was a risk for confiscation of the weapons because one of them was out in the open and the other one was inside of a building with a person that was AFK that I was told by a higher up to not arrest. then after the moderator I asked him to pull my demo he then ignored my message I then asked him again and he ignored my message I then told him if he's not going to pull my demo or acknowledge my message please give me an admin as soon as I sent that he instantly told me you are being banned from the server. Mind you I only have one warning on the server I have not done anything bad and I do not cause any problems in the server I try to be a good model for the new players that are joining

Under review
In the meantime find yourself some evidence because as it does state, It is required for disputes. You have 24hrs to upload evidence.
all I have is this clip of me telling him to pull the demo and giving permission for some reason the demo on my end does not work whatsoever I have tried but it just will not work. But where is his proof for reasonable cause to ban me when I told him what happened and he would have seen it in my demo that I requested to be pulled? my question is what video clip did he see to not pull my demo and ban me for a day is it just going off of what he said she said? all of my proof is in my demo like I stated in the video clip.

Someone was killed 12 seconds before you confiscated the first weapon and then you were killed only 6 seconds after you confiscated the third weapon, on what planet is it clear for you confiscate weapons?
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